Thank You to Our Full-Term HFUW Board Members

Blog Exiting BOD August

Our work is led by philanthropic leaders across Central Florida who serve on Heart of Florida United Way’s Board of Directors. Our board members typically serve for a three-year term, and we extend our utmost gratitude and appreciation to our board members who have reached their full term of serving on our board.  

Thank you to the following full-term board members for choosing to LIVE UNITED!  

Jan Aspuru 
OUC – The Reliable One (Retired) 

Elisha González 
FAIRWINDS Credit Union 

Sean DeMartino 
Coastal Construction 

Eddie Francis 

Linda Landman Gonzalez 
Orlando Magic (Retired) 

Sheriff John Mina
Orange County Sheriff’s Office 

Joanne Santiago 

Humberto Hormaza 

FOX61 & 

Thank you to each of these leaders who have graciously shared their expertise to help us improve the lives of individuals and families across Central Florida. 
