You are not alone.
Talk with us. There is hope. If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a mental health crisis or contemplating suicide, do not suffer in silence. Reach out for support now.
Call, text 988, or chat at 988lifeline.org.
Heart of Florida United Way is here to help through the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline – available 24/7/365 to connect you to compassionate and confidential mental health crisis support for FREE through call, text, or chat.*
There is hope. The Lifeline works. You are not alone.
Connect with us now.
You can access 988 by calling, texting, or chatting online.
You can also visit the National 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline web page for more information.
Want to learn more?
Want to know more about how 988 helps our community? Learn more about how we support Central Florida.

Certified and Accredited
We are proud to be Nationally accredited by Inform USA and the American Association of Suicidology

*Please note: All contacts with the 988 Lifeline from people seeking help are to be treated as confidential by the 988 Lifeline and 988 Lifeline network centers. This means that information about callers/chatters/texters will not be shared outside the 988 Lifeline without documented verbal or written consent from the person seeking help, except in cases where there is imminent risk of harm to self or someone else, or where otherwise required by law. It’s important to remember that confidential and anonymous are not synonymous. During your contact with the 988 Lifeline you may voluntarily share certain information about yourself that could be identified and that information may be documented in notes about your conversation. The center may also have access to the phone number or IP address you used to contact the 988 Lifeline. You will never be required to provide other identifying information to receive help from the 988 Lifeline. We rigorously protect all the confidential and identifying information shared with the 988 Lifeline. We may use de-identified and aggregated data for reports to stakeholders, funders, and policymakers about the numbers and types of conversations we have with people in crisis, and the general aggregate demographics of people seeking help from the 988 Lifeline.